CLEAN 9 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT TESTIMONIAL (Just see what can result from using the products in your C9 pack!)

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Here are two Clean 9 Diet Results for you. You can find loads more pictures here on Pinterest.

If you prefer words to pictures, here’s a powerful testimonial for you from Tina, who gained dramatic results after using Forever’s Clean 9 weight management plan. She lost a lot of weight which significantly changed her life for the better.
Here’s what she said:
“I first started to gain weight following a knee injury over 15 years ago. The injury meant that I had to give up competitive basketball and other sports I loved. Following the birth of my two children, I gained even more weight and found it increasingly difficult to do any exercise at all. Just going for a walk for any length of time would cause my knee to become very painful and swollen”
“The vicious circle of weight gain and inactivity soon led to other problems. I had backache most of the time and indigestion was a daily occurrence My confidence was affected and I soon fell into the role of just being ‘mum’ focusing on my children all the time and losing the real me.
“In February 2009 I did my first Clean 9 cleansing programme, and I am not exaggerating when I say it changed my life! I lost a lot of weight! It made me think very differently about the food I ate and gave me hope that one day I would be able to take part in sports again.

“For the first time in years, I felt positive about losing weight and I knew I could do it. My confidence had increased slightly and my belief in the benefits of aloe vera and Forever’s weight management products was sky-high.
“I found the Garcinia supplement fantastic as not only did it decrease my appetite but is also controlled the swings in cravings that I had previously experienced when trying to lose weight.
The Bee Pollen tablets gave me the energy I needed to be a busy mum of two and to continue my work in physiotherapy. I found it a very convenient plan to follow.
“I have lost a total of five stone using Forever’s weight management products and I now feel I am back to being ‘Tina’ again.
“I am now able to exercise daily and am enjoying getting back to the level of fitness I maintained. I can wear the clothes I want and do everything in life I want to do. Forever’s weight management programme really has changed my life. I am so much happier now and finally live life to the full.”
* This article was originally published by Forever Living Products UK in their Fit 4 Life magazine 2013